I know that this blog is suppose to be for my trip to Sweden but I just had to start now. I am approximately 2 months away from my trip and I have already had an amazing experience. Yesterday I had an International Student teaching meeting in Bowling Green and attending the meeting was Erika Wiberg. Erika is an international student teacher from Sweden who is currently teaching at an elementary school in Bowling Green.
Erika sat with me during the meeting and we went to dinner afterwards with my friends Emily, Richelle, Mallorie, Melanie, and Jessica. At dinner Erika answered all of our questions, which was a lot. She even showed us her drivers licence, her Linkoping University ID, and some money that is pronounced like Crowns but I believe it is spelled Kronos? I tried to answer all of her questions the best I could but I think she did a better job. It was so amazing to hear her talk about Sweden and her life and family. She spoke so fondly and vividly that I felt like I knew them. She also showed me pictures of them, her boyfriend, and different places she has traveled.
After dinner we went back to Erika's room and she let Emily and I try all sorts of Swedish candy. It was so good! Then we went to Melanie's house. There we all played games and talked. It made for an amazing evening and I feel so blessed to have made a new friend. She is such an inspiration to me and I cant wait to get to know her better.